Course syllabus
SOFTENG 750 / COMPSCI 732 Software Development Methodology, Tools and Techniques
Instructor: Dr. D. Paul Ralph
Tuesday, 1-3pm, 403-404 (Engineering Block 3, Room 404)
Wednesday, 2-4pm, 105S-039 (Clock Tower - South, Room 039)
Office Hours: by appointment, Building 303S, Room 492
Attendance is Mandatory
Contact Details
Please post all questions on Piazza so everyone can see my response and discuss the issue. If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email You can find a link to our Piazza page on Canvas:
The purpose of this class is to understand the fundamentals of software project management, systems analysis and the tools that support these activities
Topics include theory of software engineering, sensemaking (requirements), coevolution (analysis and design) and project management. See Canvas for specifics. Topics and their order are subject to change as the course evolves.
Ralph, P. (2016) The Software Project Management Workbook, Auckland University Press.
Term Project: 60%
Quizzes: 20%
In-class assignments: 20%
The term project is an analytical report on the state of requirements documents. Students will analyze the composition of a set of requirements documents and write a report conveying the results and implications of their analysis. Further details will be provided in class. Some parts of the project will be completed as in-class assignments.
Most classes will involve a quiz on the required readings and/or an in class assignment. Many classes will have both.Quizzes and assignments may be given at any time during class. If you arrive late or leave early, you may miss them. No make-up quizzes or assignments are available. In-class assignments will be completed in the course workbook. You will need to bring the workbook to every class. Workbooks will be collected periodically for grading. However, students can miss up to 2 quizzes and 2 in-class assignments without penalty – no explanation required.
Lecture Recordings
Lectures are not recorded. Attend class.
Marks are not negotiable
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |