Course syllabus


JAPANESE 704AB (2016 Semesters 1 and 2):  Advanced Language Acquisition 1 (15 Points)

Course Outline


Course Instructor: Dr Harumi Minagawa

Telephone: 09 923 7535


Office: Arts 2, Level 4, 430

Office Hours: Tuesday 1-2, Wednesday 2-3 or by appointment


Course Objectives:

Students enrolled in this course will gain the opportunity to develop linguistic knowledge and skills specific to their research areas, in order to read, discuss, and write about their Graduate, Postgraduate, Honours, or Masters research in Japanese.


Meeting Times (Semester One): Tuesday 2-3, classroom to be advised


Course Structure

General academic language sessions: weekly group sessions (1 hour) to read and discuss various topics including translation, Japanese language and culture, excerpts from essays or fiction. (Semester One)

Individual project relating to the student’s graduate or postgraduate research activity. (Semester Two)


Assessment: Coursework 100%

Semester One

Take home test                                                                                                              20%

Two written assignments in Japanese*                                                                             15% x 2 = 30%


Subtotal                                                                                                                                     50%


Semester Two (Individual Project related to the student’s research activity)

Written Project*                                                                                                                         35%

Oral Presentation in Japanese summarising the student’s research activity                                        15%

Subtotal                                                                                                                                     50%


Total                                                                                                                                         100%


*The Project (Japanese into English) can take any form as long as it enhances the student’s research-specific knowledge of Japanese. The project needs to be approved by the student’s supervisor in consultation with the JAPANESE 704 coordinator. Examples of projects might include, but are not limited to, the following: an annotated translation of a literary or other work used in the student’s Research Essay or Dissertation (etc.); summaries of works used in the Research Essay/Dissertation; a translation project for students from the PG Diploma in Translation programme, etc.


The workload of the 704 Project should roughly be the equivalent of producing a 2000-word Research Essay in English (approx. 30 hours of concentrated effort).


Course Schedule (Subject to Change)


S1: 前期(ぜんき )

S2: 後期(こうき )

W1: Course Introduction, 日本語の書き言葉について

W1: 個人(こじん)指導(しどう) 

W2: 「セミたちの沈黙」


W2: No class

W3:  「語訳の味」


W3: 個人指導 

W4: 「スーパーフロッグ」 (『翻訳教室』所収(しょしゅう))


W4: No class


W5: 「スーパーフロッグ」


W5: 個人指導

W6: 「スーパーフロッグ」

(Project Topic should be confirmed by this date)

W6: No class



W7: 「ヘンゼルとグレーテル」

Essay 1 Due

W7: 個人指導

W8: 「ヘンゼルとグレーテル」


W8: No class

W9: 「冷静と情熱のあいだ」


W9: 個人指導

W10: 「冷静と情熱のあいだ」


W10: No class

W11: 「トニー・滝谷」


W11: Oral Presentations

W12: 「トニー・滝谷」

Essay 2 Due

W12: JAPANESE 704 Project Submission


Take home test



Semester One の作文

Essay 1:「セミたちの沈黙」、「翻訳の味」、『翻訳教室』に言及し、自分の経験などを具体的に加えつつ、「ある言語で書かれたものは他の言語に完全に翻訳できる」という命題(めいだい)について論(ろん)じる。(1500字程度)




Essay 2: 下記の2つの中、1つ選択して書く




  • 構成、内容、文型・語彙、文法、表記
  • 比喩、擬人化、倒置などの文学的要素




  • 構成、内容、文型・語彙、文法、表記
  • 叙述、報告、意見を述べるなどのスタイル的要素

Course summary:

Date Details Due