Course syllabus

Chinese 302: Advanced Chinese Reading and Writing

2017 Semester 2


Course Coordinator:

Karen Huang:     黄克文 老师  

Rm 428, 18 Symonds Street, Arts 2

Phone: 373-7599 ext. 87533

Office hours:

1pm-3pm Mondays


Teaching Staff:

Xiaowen Yang:       杨晓文 老师  

Office hour:
Rm 313C, Arts 2; 12pm-1pm Fridays (Week 7-Week 12)


Mandarin Language Assistant:

Fangfang Xia:                    夏芳芳 老师

Rm 420, 18 Symonds Street, Arts 2



Wednesdays:  11am-12pm (206-216)

Thursdays: 11am-12pm   (201E-259)


Fridays: 11am-12pm   (201E-259)

Please check SSO for the most up-to-date classroom locations.


Prerequisites: CHINESE 300


Course Description:

This course is designed for students who have formally studied Chinese for at least 300 classroom contact hours or equivalent. It aims to develop students’ reading and writing ability through reading a wide range of topics and produce writings in different formats. Acquiring a semi content-based instruction, less attention will be paid on the form of the language. Authentic texts will be used to help students understand the topics which will foster their understanding of modern China and the Chinese culture. Writing exercises are connected with the readings, and the students are expected to employ their analytical skills and critical thinking to express their opinions on the topics.

By the end of the course, students’ reading and writing abilities are expected to achieve the B2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or the advanced-low to advanced-mid level in the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) guideline. Nevertheless, half of the assessments of this course are formative rather than summative. Students need to submit a Language Portfolio to demonstrate their improvements through this course.

Course summary:

Date Details Due