THEOREL 211: Religion, Gender and Sexuality



This course will introduce students to the articulation and understanding of gender, sexuality and religion, focusing in particular on current issues and debates surrounding gender and sexuality as they are expressed within religious theologies, texts and communities. Students will consider the different meanings and significances of the terms gender and sexuality and the various ways that these are understood within religious traditions. While the historical development of these meanings and significances will be explored, particular attention will be paid to contemporary engagements of religious communities and institutions with issues of gender and sexuality and the ways that these are played out and discussed in religious groups, religious writings, as well as in secular politics, the media and popular culture.

Topics covered may include: articulations of gender and sexuality within religious texts and traditions; religious conceptualisations of gender across time and space; gender roles and religious roles; sexualities and religion; gender, sexuality and religion in popular culture; political engagement with religion, sexuality and gender; masculinity and religion; femininst and queer theory in religious studies; gender violence and religion; HIV/AIDS and religion.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, students will

  • Have developed an understanding of the concepts of gender and sexuality and some of the ways that these concepts are articulated and understood within a number of religious traditions, texts and communities.
  • Be aware of the historical development of beliefs and theologies surrounding gender and sexuality within a number of religious traditions, texts and communities.
  • Be able to have an informed discussion about some contemporary issues surrounding gender and sexuality within religious traditions, texts and communities, particularly any debates or controversies surrounding these issues.
  • Show a knowledge of and ability to engage critically with different methodological approaches to researching gender and sexuality within religious studies.
  • Become familiar with some of the scholarly literature written about gender, sexuality and religion by local, national and international scholars.
  • Have been shown some of the skills required in academic writing and guided through the process of composing an engaging, well-written and well-argued essay.



Week 1: Introductions and definitions

Week 2: Framing the debate

Week 3: Policing bodies 1 - purity culture, modesty and dress

Week 4: Policing bodies 2 - desires and intimacies; reproductive rights

Week 5: Queer identities and religion 1 - religion, heteronormativity, homophobia and transphobia

Week 6: Queer identities and religion 2 - queer spiritualities and queer theologies

Week 7: Gender binaries in religious traditions

Week 8: Gender violence, rape culture and religion

Week 9: The making of moral panics: religious rhetoric in HIV/AIDS discourses

Week 10: Reading sacred texts queerly

Week 11: Gender, sexuality and religion in popular culture

Week 12: Final thoughts


Late policy for course work

Work submitted after the due date will lose 5% of the total grade for the first day it is late, and 1% for each subsequent day it is late. Work submitted over two weeks late will receive an automatic grade of 0.

Short extensions may be granted in exceptional circumstances - please speak to me prior to the assignment due date if you wish an extension. Extensions will not be given retrospectively.

There will be no extensions granted for the reflective diary assignment.

Course summary:

Date Details Due