Course syllabus

Welcome to Bioinf 704

Course Description: BIOINF 704 provides (1) a detailed description of the statistical techniques required to analyse modern human genetic data (80%) and (2) an introduction to the analysis of gene-expression data (20%). The methods used to locate genomic regions involved in genetic diseases through the analysis of pedigree data are introduced. Central concepts in population genetics are also presented and a thorough description of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is given. The limitations and ethical implications of GWAS are also discussed. The second part of the course focuses on the statistical analysis of gene expression data and the methods that are used to make sense of the expression levels of thousands of genes measured in various experimental conditions.

BIOINF 704 is mainly aimed at statisticians, medical school students, computer scientists and biologists with a desire to understand the challenges brought by the deluge of genetic data available nowadays. It will provide them with the statistical techniques required to make sense of this type of information.


  • Lecturer (part 1) and coordinator - Dr. David Welch,
  • Lecturer (part 2) - Dr. Alexei Drummond
  • Class Reps: TBA

Current lecture and tutorial times and venues may be found on Student Services Online.

Course summary:

Date Details Due