Course syllabus

This course builds on and explores the topics covered in COMPSCI 373. Students are required to attend lectures and complete the coursework for COMPSCI 373. They are additionally required to produce a substantial report in a topic proposed by the course coordinator.

Recommended preparation: COMPSCI 210 and 230
Assessment: 20% assignments, 16% test, 20% report, 44% exam
Coordinator: Associate Professor Patrice Delmas
Prerequisite: Departmental approval
Restriction:COMPSCI 372, 373, 375
Important: Students must pass the report component, as well as the COMPSCI 373 exam and coursework, to pass the course as a whole.

Topics: TBA


This course introduces the fundamentals of image processing and computer graphics, which are necessary for the analysis and processing of image data and for the reconstruction, modelling, animation and photo-realistic rendering of 3D. You will learn key computer graphics concepts including graphics primitives, lighting and shading, texture mapping, ray tracing, curve and surface representation. In addition image processing fundamentals are presented such as image definition and representation, perception and colour models, grey level and colour enhancement, neighbourhood operations and filtering. Basic geometric processes for image analysis and scene formation will be discussed including transformations, viewing and projection, and digital geometry.

Canvas link:

Facebook: TBA


Course summary:

Date Details Due