Course syllabus



Subject and Catalogue Number: Course Name

SEMESTER 2, 2018

15 points

 Course Convenor: 

 Christine Dureau - 

Course delivery format:

2 hour seminar

(Timetable and room details can be viewed on Student Services Online)

 Summary of Course Description:              

This course covers some anthropological issues in cross-cultural contact and colonialism during the period of Western European global expansion and domination between the 16th – 20th centuries. The emphasis is on developing general understanding in historical anthropology and specific understanding of colonialism as a phenomenon that incorporated and shaped much of the world in which we currently live.

This year we focus on three issues

  1. Understanding the past as we are able to know and think about it in the present.
  2. Early forms of interaction and the different ways in which power or autonomy might play out.
  3. Questions of equal or unequal exchange or exploitation and their significance to those concerned.

By the end of the course, you should have a deeper knowledge and understanding of political, economic, cultural, symbolic and ideological phenomena and broad familiarity with some of the key issues in contact and colonialism.

Assessment Summary:

Participation: 10%

Seminar 20%

Essay 40%

Book Review 30%

Weekly Topics:

 See course outline: 742 Outline 2018.pdf

Prescribed Texts:

Trouillot, Silencing the Past

Clendinnen, Ambivalent Conquests

Salmond, Two Worlds

Mintz, Sweetness and Power

Thomas, Entangled Objects

 Workload and deadlines for submission of coursework:           

The University of Auckland's expectation is that students spend 10 hours per week on a 15-point course, including time in class and personal study. Students should manage their academic workload and other commitments accordingly. Deadlines for coursework are set by course convenors and will be advertised in course material. You should submit your work on time. In extreme circumstances, such as illness, you may seek an extension but you may be required to provide supporting information before the assignment is due. Late assignments without a pre-approved extension may be penalised by loss of marks – check course information for details.

Course summary:

Date Details Due