Course syllabus


SEMESTER 2, 2020

15 points

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Course Description

This course introduces students to concepts relating to sociolinguistics which are relevant to the learning and teaching of foreign languages. These include social and regional dialects, perceived differences in the market status of particular languages and dialects in educational and professional settings, the maintenance of migrant languages, and issues relating to power and status in communication. In discussing course topics and readings, students are expected to draw on their experience learning and teaching languages in different cultural contexts. While course readings may often refer to the teaching of English, this course is relevant to the teaching of any language and students are encouraged to discuss the particular language they teach in assignments. It is not unusual that students on this course teach multiple languages throughout their teaching careers.  As researchers in applied linguistics frequently need to consider how factors such as power relations, ethnolinguistic identity and intercultural differences may impact the research process, this course also examines issues we need to be alert to when undertaking a research project in applied linguistics or when critically reading published research.

This course is offered online. Many students on the course are practising language teachers located in a variety of countries worldwide. Students have the opportunity to learn about cultural differences in different teaching contexts through regular online interaction with peers.

Course Aims

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the influence that social factors have on how we perceive language use.
  • Understand how such factors influence how we use language in different contexts.
  • Reflect upon and articulate factors that contribute to our perception of what constitutes the appropriate or correct use of language by teachers and learners in particular communicative contexts.


In recognition that individuals have different strengths, this course is assessed by a wide variety of means. Assessment occurs regularly throughout the course between week 3 and week 12. 

The combined wordcount of the assessments is around 6000 words, and this meets the administrative requirement for courses at this level.

Lecturer and Course Convenor

Dr Louisa Buckingham  

Room 208, CLL Building, Ext. 87045  




Course summary:

Date Details Due