Course syllabus

This page gives a basic overview of CS369 for Semester 1 2021. All course material is in Modules.

Course Overview Digital Course Outline Staff
Class Representatives Meeting Times Course Resources
Assessments Course Expectations Getting Started


Course Overview

Computational biology is the development and application of computer algorithms and software to address scientific questions in the biological and life sciences. This course includes probabilistic computer modeling, computer-based statistical inference, and computer simulation for, and motivated from, the life sciences. It focuses on modeling and analyzing real-world biological data with an emphasis on analyzing DNA sequence data.

Digital Course Outline

A full overview of the course is provided in the Digital Course Outline


Class Representatives

Class reps can act as an intermediary between students in the class and the lecturers and tutors. You can share with them any suggestions/complaints/remarks about the lectures. The class reps are not a part of the teaching team.

  • Elected at the start of the semester - let a lecturer know if you are interested

Meeting times

LECTURES take place on
Monday 9am (Clocktower South, Room 039)
Thursday 11am (ConfCentre/423-342)
Friday 11am (OGHLecTh/102-G36)

LABS are scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays. You attend EITHER

Monday 11 am-12 pm in 303S-B75 OR
Wednesday 11 am-12 pm in 303S-B75 OR
Wednesday 12 pm-1 pm in 303S-B75.

Check SSO for room times

Course Resources and Getting Help

Piazza: Piazza is the main forum we will be using for asking and answering questions. In a large class like this it works well so you are encouraged to participate asking and answering questions there.

Assessments and Pass Requirements

  • 30% assignments (4 @ 7.5% each)
  • 10% written midterm test
  • 60% written final examination
  • This course has separate theory and practical pass requirement, i.e., you will need to pass both the theory (test+exam) and the practical (assignments) individually. 
  • We use the standard university grade boundaries. >89.5 for A+, then 5 mark increments down to >49.5 for C-.

Course Expectations

The document linked below outlines the School of Computer Science's philosophy of learning and teaching and our expectations for student engagement.

Getting Started

The course material is arranged in Modules.



Course summary:

Date Details Due