Course syllabus


Pacific 304

Advanced Pacific Studies

2017: Semester 1



AP Damon Salesa


Dr. Lisa Uperesa

Office Hours: T 3-4 and by appointment, 273-108 (Fale Pasifika complex)


Saia Mataele


Lecture: Wednesday 2-4pm, 206-201

Tutorials: Thursday 1-2pm and 2-3pm, 201E-301


Click here for the latest version of the Pacific 304 Syllabus.

This is the 'capstone' course for the Pacific Studies major. It is particularly engaged with the theory and methods of Pacific Studies. Different modes of presenting Pacific Studies work, and their relevance for real world applications - from policy papers and briefings to NGO reports - are also explored. The central feature of the course is the large project to be completed by each student, which will combine knowledge taught in this course with original research.


Pacific 304 is a necessary step in strengthening the interdisciplinary “spine” in Pacific studies, a task that is especially important when teaching undergraduates an interdisciplinary, regional approach where most students have limited prior exposure.  Pacific Studies 304 will consolidate the teaching of the core elements of Pacific Studies, and ensure that all students who major in Pacific Studies have a deep engagement with both the core components of Pacific Studies, and have engaged with the key varieties of interdisciplinary engagement.  In sum the course aims:

  • to advance students knowledge of the Pacific region, and the interdisciplinary study of the Pacific, in a manner that builds on the beginnings of Pacific 100;
  • to ensure students majoring in Pacific studies properly engage with core content and key interdisciplinary methods;
  • to contribute to the development of a cohort of Pacific Studies students;
  • to concentrate core content and method in a single “spine” to make uniform the expectations and knowledge of our students.

Course summary:

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