Course syllabus

                                         Well-Being Always Comes First

We all go through tough times during the semester, or see our friends struggling. There is lots of help out there. For more information, look at this Canvas page, which has links to various support services in the University and the wider community.


Globally, archaeological features and historic monuments are increasingly threatened by urban development, looting, antiquities trafficking, and effects of climate change. Using an archaeological perspective, we examine state-of-the-art recording technologies, community partnerships, legislation, management systems, and the role of museums in conservation and exhibition. Case studies from Aotearoa, Pacific and elsewhere illustrate major issues, contradictions, and controversies, alongside effective heritage management.






Each week we will examine at least one local and one international case study. Throughout the semester we ask five major questions:


Why does the past matter?

What constitutes archaeological heritage?

Who owns the past?

How should archaeological heritage be presented? 

How can archaeological heritage be managed?


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Dr Rebecca Phillipps

64 9 923 4287                             

Find out about what I do at:

Twitter: @beccaphillipps

Office: HSB 853

Office hours: Monday 1-2 pm






Course summary:

Date Details Due