Course syllabus

Course Syllabus: 309_2019_S2_v1.doc

                                         Well-Being Always Comes First

We all go through tough times during the semester, or see our friends struggling. There is lots of help out there. For more information, look at this Canvas page, which has links to various support services in the University and the wider community.


Course Convener and Teacher: Bruce Floyd

Two one hour lectures plus computer lab tutorial

Primary Teaching and Learning Goals:

  1. Learn to follow instructions!
  2. Learn useful statistical concepts and issues including variable scales, concepts of independence/dependence, the value and limitations of sampling, measurement error, useful measures of central tendency and dispersion, and accuracy, bias, and validity.
  3. Learn the difference between description and inference, and how to judge whether an inference is likely to be valid or invalid – or at least what you need to consider.
  4. Gain familiarity of common parametric and non-parametric statistical tests used in hypothesis testing, the assumptions that underlie their use and how to select potentially appropriate tests given a particular data set and question;
  5. Learn techniques for evaluating assumptions regarding statistical properties of data and be able to assess whether assumptions for statistical tests used have been met, at least approximately; Learn, too, what steps may be taken if assumptions are not met.
  6. Practice working with data using Excel and R software.
  7. Find, read, and integrate theoretical and practical information related to one of several possible anthropological issues
  8. Learn to apply what you have learned to evaluate others’ research, and develop and evaluate your own.

Course summary:

Date Details Due