Course syllabus

Introduction to Ancient Greek Language 1
Semester 1, 2019 | 15 pts

Image of Greek drinking cup with inscription - hello and drink!

ΧΑΙΡΕ ΚΑΙ ΠΙΕΙ - chaire kai piei!

Well-being always comes first

We all go through tough times during the semester, or see our friends struggling. There is lots of help out there - for more information, look at this Canvas page, which has links to various support services in the University and the wider community.


Contact Details
Lecturer: Elke M Nash.                                        
Room: 812, level 8, Humanities (formerly Arts 1), Te Puna Aronui
(bldg 206.812)
Office hour: Wednesday 2-3pm

Robert Drummond
Room: 303, level 3, Humanities (formerly Arts 1), Te Puna Aronui
(bldg 206.303)
Office hour: Tuesday 12-1pm

Course Summary
Greek 100 is the first of a three-semester sequence (GREEK 100, 101 and 200) designed to bring you to the point of being able to read ancient Greek authors competently in the original language.

Course Aims
By the end of the first semester you will have (i) understood some basic principles of ancient Greek grammar (grammatical terms, parts of speech, and the function of inflected word endings and agreement), (ii) learnt by heart a range of noun and adjective declensions and verb conjugations, and a range of common vocabulary, (iii) understood some simple rules of phrase, clause and sentence construction, and (iv) read an extended series of passages in Greek written to exemplify and reinforce your understanding and remembering of what you have learnt.

Additionally, my hope is that each of you will continue on to the second semester with Greek 101, and that, as we progress through the year, we will build our classroom as a community with certain shared values and objectives (what these are is to be determined, and up to you as much as me). I think there is a joy to reading, speaking, even seeing ancient Greek; I hope you will find the same.

If you learn any classics/ancient history/greek language jokes - please share!

Set Text
We use the same set text for Greek 100, 101 and 200: Reading Greek (Cambridge, 2nd ed. 2007), which consists of two separate volumes:  (1) Text and Vocabulary and (2) Grammar and Exercises.  You will need both volumes from the start of Greek 100.

In-class Tests = 25%
     12.5% --> 6 quizzes (lowest score dropped)
                        Quiz 1 – Week 2, Friday 15th March
                        Quiz 2 – Week 4, Friday 29th March
                        Quiz 3 – Week 6, Thursday 11th April
                        Quiz 4 – Week 9, Friday 17th May
                        Quiz 5 – Week 11, Friday 31st May                                                    
                        Quiz 6 – Week 12, Thursday 6th June

     12.5% --> In Class Test – Week 8, Wednesday 8th May

Weekly assignments = 25%
Final exam = 50%

Class Format and Preparation
This is a small language class, so many of our meetings will be interactive, and we will not always adhere to a strict "lecture/tutorial" format. Please come prepared to learn new material, to work with other people, and to interact in class! I will assign Greek readings for class in advance (from your Text and Vocabulary book); thus, our time spent together will be most productive when you've worked through these ahead of time. 

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Feel free to point out my own. Oftentimes I, and the textbook, will make the ancient Greek language seem as if it were handed down to us in the form of charts, declensions, endings etc. It wasn't. Like any other language, it was spoken and dynamic, and developed slowly and regularly (or irregularly!) over time. There's still a lot we don't know, and much we've found out through trial and error. So if you err, it's ok!

Regarding absence and missed assignments
Although there is no attendance component per se, I will expect to see you all in class as often as possible. If you have to miss class for any reason, please email me to let me know. If you miss a test or turning in an assignment for any reason, you must contact me as soon as possible ahead of time to make alternative arrangements (or lose those points).

Image: Lip Cup (Kylix), Boston, Museum of Fine Arts 66.816

Course summary:

Date Details Due