Course syllabus



German 101/G German Language Introductory
SEMESTER 2, 2020
15 points

Well-being always comes first

We all go through tough times during the semester, or see our friends struggling. There is lots of help out there - for more information, look at this Canvas page, which has links to various support services in the University and the wider community

german food.jpeg

Important Info:

Prescribed text:

Print version of the textbook
Specht, Franz; Evans, Sandra; Pude, Angela (2018): Menschen A1. Kursbuch. Ismaning: Hueber. ISBN 978-3-19-361901-3 (approx. price in euro: €18)


Print version of the workbook
Reimann, Monika; Glas-Peters, Sabine; Pude, Angela (2018): Menschen A1. Arbeitsbuch mit 2 Audio-CDsIsmaning: Hueber. ISBN 978-3-19-311901-8 (approx. price in euro: €18)

Please note that the 2012 editions of the these books are also acceptable although there will be minor differences between editions.

Regarding the books, you have two options:

1. hard copy option: available from:
- for approx. NZD 60-70 together (but delivery takes 2-3 weeks!)
- UBS for approx. NZD 120 together

2. ebook option (linked below)
so far comes split into two parts, but the contents are the same
textbook: A1.1 and A1.2  (choose Schooltas as your provider)
workbook: A1.1 and A1.2 (choose Schooltas as your provider)

You must have the books (print or ebook) by the time semester starts. 


Course convenor:

Dr Stephan Resch ( 2, Room 411 ext. 87453, Office hour Thu 11-12



Anne Blumenthal (

Arts 2, room 409; office hours: Tue 10-11 (please send me an email beforehand)

Stream 1: Mo, Tue, Thu, Fri 9-10

Stream 3: Mo, Tue, Thu, Fri 12-1

Dr Stephan Resch

Stream 4: Tue, Thu 2-4


Course delivery format
4 hours per week (4x 1h) language classes or 2x2hours
(Timetable and room details can be viewed on Student Services Online)

Summary of Course Description
Written and oral use of German for students who have no previous knowledge of the language or who have fewer than 16 credits in Level 2 NCEA German. The approach is communicative, with German used wherever possible as the language of instruction. The course aims to provide students with a sound basic knowledge of spoken and written German. Prepares students for the Goethe Institut’s Start Deutsch certificate, which is at proficiency level A1.

Course outcomes:

A student who successfully completes this course will have the opportunity to:

  • acquire basic communicating skills in German, including cultural information according to A1 level
  • learn and use vocabulary and grammar to navigate everyday situations such as conversations about yourself and your friends and family, past and present events, future plans etc.

Assessment Summary

60% coursework: 4 Canvas assignments 20% (4x 5%) = approx. 250 words x4
1 written test 12.5% 
in class time
= approx. 250 words
1 writing
(test conditions)
in class time
= approx. 250 words 
1 oral test 15% = approx. 800 words


40% final examination: 2 hour final exam 40% = approx. 2,000 words


Weekly Topics 

1 - Introduction, Kapitel 1 + 2
2 - Kapitel 3 + 4
3 - Kapitel 5 + 6 + 7 (Canvas Quiz 1)
4 - Kapitel 7 + 8 + 9
5 - Kapitel 9 + 10 + 11 (Canvas Quiz 2)
6 - Kapitel 11 + 12 + Test
7 - Kapitel 13 + 14
8 - Kapitel 15 + 16 (Canvas Quiz 3)
9 - Kapitel 17 + 18 + Writing
10 - Kapitel 18 + 19 + 20
11 - Kapitel 20 + 21 + oral prep (Canvas Quiz 4)
12 - orals + exam prep 


Workload and deadlines for submission of coursework

The University of Auckland's expectation is that students spend 10 hours per week on a 15-point course, including time in class and personal study. Students should manage their academic workload and other commitments accordingly. Deadlines for coursework are set by course convenors and will be advertised in course material. You should submit your work on time. In extreme circumstances, such as illness, you may seek an extension but you may be required to provide supporting information before the assignment is due. Late assignments without a pre-approved extension may be penalised by loss of marks – check course information for details.



Course summary:

Date Details Due